Get your tan at high noon, not in bed.

     For years the medical profession has told us that we should stay out of the sun during mid-day hours when the sun is at its peak, and that maybe getting our sun for Vitamin D synthesis in the early to mid morning or late afternoon would be better.      Keep in mind that sunlight has two components that affect skin:…

How often do you need bone density testing?

If you are a woman over 50, you have probably either read about, or heard from your doctor, that you need interval bone density testing to ‘prevent osteoporosis’.   While the potential for progression toward severe bone loss and its risk for fractures should not be ignored, the majority of women do not need the most aggressive measures in follow up testing.  …

Screening for Ovarian Cancer: What you need to know

Who this is for:  every woman, especially those with a family history of reproductive system cancers. What you’ll learn: current screening test choices and upcoming advances in detection. Average read time:  4-7 minutes      Since the introduction of the Pap test, the mortality of cervical cancer in screened populations has been reduced by more than 75%.  In contrast, deaths from ovarian…