Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

Could the right balance of hormones change your life?

If you are looking for menopausal hormone support that is individualized, bio-identical, safe and effective, this information is for you.  Whether the symptoms of menopause are just starting, have become full-fledged, or are continuing to persist, we can devise a physician directed therapy plan to meet your post reproductive hormone support needs.

Perimenopausal hormone deficits around midlife can result in:

-loss of sleep

-hot flashes and/or night sweats

-slower metabolism with weight gain

-cyclic PMS, fluid retention, breast tenderness or mood swings

-lack of mental clarity

-feeling down or depressed

-fatigue and a decline in physical stamina

-a lack of enthusiasm and passion for the people or activities that mean the most to you

-irritability and mood swings

-vaginal dryness or lack of sexual responsiveness

-thinning hair and dry skin.

-pre-menopausal complications including fibroids or heavy or prolonged menses.

Any or all of these can start before your menstrual cycles end, and for some women last for years or even decades afterward.  If you have been told that “you should be fine” or that “you should avoid hormone therapy…its not safe”, you may want to hear ‘the rest of the story’ that applies specifically to your story.

Dr. Jeff Baker in Springdale has been providing individualized bio-identical hormone support expertise for over 32 years, the last 26 right here in NW Arkansas.  We specialize in working with you to put together a comprehensive prescription for your individual needs, typically using a once-daily application of a compounded topical cream.

To get more information or to discuss a consult visit, call Dr. Baker’s office direct at 479-756-3251 or email us at

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